– Director’s Notes: January 2020 –
Mr. Peterson and I are still feeling the glow of the excitement engendered by wonderful holiday concerts! We were both very impressed by the serious concentration and dedication shown by the members of both of our Youth and Junior Symphonies, which include so very many of our Peterson conservatory students. The techniques you are learning at your private lessons are showing great results in both solo and symphonic formats. Thank you all for a terrific holiday season!
We are very fortunate to have such talented, kind, and hard-working students – Mr. Peterson and I and the entire staff of the Peterson conservatory thank you for your diligence. It’s a joy to be teaching you.
One sorrowful thing did happen the week before Christmas. My lovely mother Gerri Allsopp passed away at the age of 96 years. I am designating her as the featured musician this month since it is because of her that all of this music has blossomed in my life and hence in the lives of our students! I am so grateful for the legacy of music making which she provided. Gerri was an active music educator all her life, even up until four months before she died. Her encouragement was invaluable for so many young people. Everyone remembers her delicious recital cookies which she made to reward and celebrate the efforts of her students and of the many professional musicians she hosted in concerts at her home in Normandy Park.
Please see Gerri’s bio on her obituary at Cascade Memorial.
Warm regards,
Sharyn Peterson
Artistic/Executive Director
– See Full January 2020 Museletter
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