– Director’s Notes: March 2019 –

Snow on snow has come and gone and come again! I just looked out my window and more flurries are falling and it’s exactly at 32 degrees on my back deck! Unreal but so beautiful. There is so much to enjoy about our lives in this area of Washington state. I would encourage you all to take some time to really enjoy our wonderful terrain and the arresting views that surround us on every side.

In this season of the year we turn our attention to summer activities for the warmer months and plan the fun we will have in various parts of our country and in the world. For several years Malcolm and I have taken North Stars Chamber Orchestra to Europe on concert tours. It has been the most amazing, challenging, exhilarating experience! This summer our destination will be Florence Italy for one week followed by four glorious days in Lisbon Portugal at the Lisbon Music Fest! (July 13-25) We are so honored to be welcomed into two different festivals: the Florence Orchestra festival and the Lisbon festival! Being involved in a music festival insures meeting more people with musical interests and having more in the audiences because of the local publicity. I so look forward to taking the Italian classes with our students! We still have room for two more travelers should anyone desire to join us. Please contact me at sharynpeterson@hotmail.com.

A very important event coming up is the annual combined concert of Mt. Baker and Fidalgo Youth Symphonies, at McIntyre Hall, March 23, at 1 pm in Mount Vernon. Tchaikovsky’s fifth Symphony – movements two and four, will be performed by young people who have worked hard since January on learning this challenging music! It really is a milestone in the life of a young musician to be able to play a Tchaikovsky symphony, in its original form (unsimplified!). The same Is true of the Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, by Bach, which the Junior Symphonies have worked very diligently to learn! You will be thrilled to hear the results of all these concerted practicing efforts! And, just so you know, we receive new students in the symphonies on the first rehearsal after the concert.

My heart is warmed by the obvious commitment to creating beautiful music which I see in our youth! Congratulations!

Sharyn Peterson
Artistic/Executive Director

See Full March Museletter
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