– Director’s Notes: May 2019 –
I view the month of May with such a mixed sense of sweet and bittersweet feelings! Looking back over the year we realize the season is almost over and yet there’s so much more that we would have liked to accomplish! Some of us have had to experience acute family tragedies, disappointments and loss. This year has been very tough for several of our people. So, my heart is going out to them as they try to cope with new realities.
But turning from these thoughts I see a little new piece of corn shooting up out of the crusty earth in our garden! Just that hardy tiny sprig of fresh light green points to the future of abundance, and it makes me remember that harvests will be coming, sooner than we can imagine! And in some ways aren’t concerts like harvests? (Maybe these notes should have been for October!) Concerts are the occasions when we gather in together all of the elements that we have been cultivating and at that moment we display them as our wonderful harvest of diligent effort, creatively inspired! Spring is really here at last – may its beauty awaken even more creativity within all of you young artists! I look forward with delight and eagerness to hear your performances this spring – especially for the youth symphony concerts and the wonderful tour that we are planning through Peterson Conservatory.
I’m deeply grateful to Rosalie McVay for all of her work as treasurer of PCMA. She has worked tirelessly, giving time and expertise above and beyond as a most incredible volunteer, in spite of handling her dear husband’s severe illness. She deserves our kudos and our prayers.
May we each spring ahead in our goals during this final part of our school season.
Sharyn Peterson
Artistic/Executive Director
– See Full May Museletter
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