– Director’s Notes: September 2020 –
Dear friends of Music,
Summer greetings from Fruitdale Farm! I hope you’re all really enjoying this gorgeous weather!
We are finding it a little challenging to plan for our fall musical activities with the shutdowns still in place for Phase 2. I am beginning to do online zoom classes and rehearsals for Mount Baker Youth Symphony and Fidalgo Youth Symphony. See above for the schedules. Because Mount Baker Youth Symphony is smaller I will include woodwinds and brass in the rehearsals for Monday nights as needed. However on Thursdays I will just be doing Violins and Violas for September, and in October I’m going to set up woodwind and brass online rehearsals through the zoom meeting format. It will be fun and innovative!
We will prepare music for upcoming concerts in a format similar to master classes where the teacher will play and then students will answer with the same phrase, either one at a time or together if we can figure out the time lapses. In any case it will keep everyone working hard on their techniques and when we resume our joint practicing at our normal locations, your advancements and the musical quality will be even better, and thus more exciting! No registration for the Youth Symphonies is needed at this point. We will wait until we can enter our church locations, and then we could have official registrations. What I would like from you now is one check per month of $32 to cover the cost of the instruction for the Zoom sectionals and rehearsals (or you can pay me directly on Venmo – just use this email: sharynpeterson@hotmail.com)
I am eager to hear you play! Please keep up your private lessons with serious diligence in your practicing. Zoom recital for Sharyn Peterson will be on September 26 at 2 PM in the afternoon. I will send out a link to all of my private students. If anyone else wants to listen in let me know and I’ll send you the link.
With joy in music making,
Peterson Conservatory Director,
Sharyn Peterson
– See Full September Museletter
– Sign Up for the monthly PCMA Museletter to recieve these notes and other great updates by email!
P.S. A big heartfelt thank you to all of the friends who have brought food, sent cards, and even visited Malcolm after his open heart surgery two weeks ago. He is slowly recovering and happy to be here! He sends his grateful thanks to each of you.
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